Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CentOS 5 Dev Environment for PHP + MySQL

Setting up the CentOS 5.2 - Development Environment

Operating System: CentOS 5
Develpment Language: PHP
Integrated Development Environment: Eclipse + Zend Debugger
Version Control: Subversion (Eclipse Plugin)
Database: MySQL

download CentOS 5 from VMWare Virtual Appliances.

Extract the zip file, and load in VMWare, then start the virtual machine.
Verify you can ping the outside world (e.g. open a terminal window, then ping yahoo.com).
If you cannot ping the outside world, then you will need to configure your network settings using
the network control panel.

Reset the JRE Java location, and create a symbolic link to point to the newer 1.6xxx version:

cd /usr/bin
rm java (removes the symbolic link which points to an older version of the JRE)
ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_11/bin/java java

Install PHP:

- open a terminal window
- yum install php

Install PHP IDE (Eclipse + Debugger)

Download the All-in-One Eclipse PDT + Zend Debugger Package from:


(or google "eclipse zend debugger" to find this package)

After the file download completes, copy the pdt-xxxx.tar.gz file to
a location where you want to install it:
e.g. /opt or /usr/local

then copy the file to that location:
cp ~/Desktop/pdt-xxx.tar.gz ./

unzip the file:
gunzip pdt-xxx.tar.gz

extract the tar file:
tar -xvf pdt-xxx.tar

Check that the installation was successful:
cd eclipse
./eclipse &

The above should launch Eclipse IDE.

INstall the Zend Debugger Plug-in using the Software Updates area
in Eclipse:

From the Eclipse | Help menu select Software Updates...
Click on the Available Software tab and expand the "http://downloads.zend.com/pdt" leaf.
Select (check) the "Zend Debugger Features" checkbox, then click "Install..."

You will be prompted to restart Eclipse (which it will automatically)

Verify Zend Debugger was installed by going back to:

Help > Software Updates ...
Scroll down the list and you should see "Zend Debugger Feature" at the bottom of the list.

Install SVN (Subversion - source code version control system)

todo: ...

Install MySQL

todo: ...

Monday, January 12, 2009

CentOS 5.2 How to install PGAdmin PGAdmin3

Trouble installing PGAdmin3 using yum install pgadmin3 ?
(The error is related to Missing gtk libs)

Install pgdg-centos-8.3-4.noarch.rpm first.
Then run:

yum install pgadmin3

Old School TIL311 hex display (with latch). Expensive buggers, if you can still find them.

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homebrew hardware hacking